Authorised Dealer of Clarity Protein Skimmer for Brunei Market

We are extremely pleased to be appointed as the authorised dealer for Clarity Protein Skimmer for Brunei Darussalam.  We strongly believe that Clarity Protein Skimmer will hugely improve our local koi keepers' water condition, resulting in healthier and happier kois!  For more info, please visit Clarity website:

Clarity™  a  Protein Skimmer/Foam fractionator with distinct benefits:

protein-skimmer11Highly efficient in fresh water
  1. The effectiveness of traditional Protein Skimmers/Foam fractionator  in fresh water is restricted by the lower density in fresh water and therefore the ability to form small enough bubbles with enough surface area to attract the organic waste. Since Clarity is based on an entirely different approach, Clarity does not have this limitation. This results in superb efficiency also in fresh water and opens up many exciting applications for Clarity.
Regulates the level of oxygen in water
During the normal process of feeding fish and decomposing of organic matter, the level of oxygen in the water is altered. These environmental changes are not desirable for the fish and result in increased stress and unhealthy conditions. Clarity’s mode of operation restores the balance of oxygen in the water as part of the process of making the foam.
Breaks down ammonia and nitrite to nitrate before foaming
As the water trickles down the airing tower, bacteria fastened to bio-rings decompose organic compounds to simpler, less toxic substances. The most important example of this process is the breakdown of ammonia to nitrite and eventually nitrate. This lowers the toxicity of the compounds and results in a more effective removal of organic compounds.
Compatible with ozone treatment.
Ozone treatment can be combined with Clarity, which results in stable water conditions in spite of great variations in the quality of the incoming water.
Low maintenance.
Clarity is easy to install and can run for several months without any maintenance (dependent on the quality of the feed and biomass). Since there are no moving parts and thus no wear and tear, Clarity has a long life span, increasing the financial investment in this unique Protein Skimmer .

Before and After the use of Clarity Protein Skimmer

First Non-Gosanke(Midorigoi and Kigoi) Grow-out 2011

The year 2011 marks yet another memorable year for us.  Never had in our company's history to hold more than one grow-out event in a single year!  But this year, according to our director, Ricky Cheng, more are coming up!! 

It is something that definitely excites us!  Fueled by the success of our first grow out event this year, Momotaro Go-Sanke 2011, the desire to hold a non-gosanke was immense. 

Customers had actually requested on several occassions and we were glad to be able to deliver it finally.  Using Otsuka's Kigoi and Marusaka's Midorigoi, we are sure this event will be very popular.  This is due to two factors.  First, the quality of the koi is sound.  Second, price is absolutely crazy!!!  To participate all you have to pay is $200 and you get to choose one Kigoi and One Midorigoi.  Venue will be at our shop front.  Date: 8th May 2011.  Time: To be announce later.

Momotaro Grow Out II (2011)

We are proud to host 2nd Momotaro Grow-Out.  It will be on 10th Of April 2011 at Biotropical Fish Shop.  Single koi entry will be at $380 and double koi purchase will be at $600.  Anyone interested will have to make full payment before 7/04/2011.  For more details, please call us at 2650609.  Photos are as below.

2nd Momotaro Grow Out By Biotropical

2nd Momotato Grow Out

Please click the above photos to enlarge.

Tamaura Tategoi Tosai

Tategoi Sanke - 19- 22cm

We are extremely pleased to announce the arrival of Tamaura Tosai.  Normally, koi of such size does not come with certificates but Tamaura san is so sure of the quality that he is kind enough to certified all these kois.

Tategoi Kohaku
One thing that both Kohaku and Sanke strikes us is the skin quality that they possess.  Deep, uniform orange through the koi ensures beni will be striking when they are mature. 

Momotaro Auction Koi

Mr Daisuke of Momotaro Koi Farm has just informed us that they will be having Tosai auction on 15th March 2011. Pictures of such tosai will be up on their official website around 1st of March 2011.  Any interested koi keepers, please feel free to call Ricky. 

Below are 2 auction koi that we bidded last March 2010.  Both kois will be back in Brunei in a couple of weeks time.  Bear in mind, these two kois were kept at Momotaro Mud Pond for a year!! Pictures and the price of the two kois are as below.

Kohaku (51cm) - $6500

51cm Sanke - $8500

Momotaro 1st Grow Out Competition results.

As scheduled, the judging of the 1st Momotaro Grow out event was done on the 23rd of January 2011.  The champion koi grew in a amazing 40cm from 26cm to 66cm in 15 months time!  And the owner was lucky enough to get a female koi!  Well Done!  While, this koi does not have the best skin quality, it has the best body structure and it growth rate is impressive. This koi will grow big for sure!!

Grand Champion
Grand Champion: Above

1st Runner Up

The 1st runner up's skin quality is much better than the champion.  However it lacks the structuure and the growth rate of the grand champion.  This is a male koi and with such a body structure, we can't hope for better.  This koi is a outstanding example why Momotaro's male kois are many other koi farm's oyagoi(parent koi).

The 2nd runner up is a classic showa.  With more sumi than most showas, this koi has what takes to be a beauty in few years to come.  Its body structure is strong enough to see that its owner will keep her like a jewel. 

Amazing Kigoi

Kigoi, as most koi keepers will know, are a yellow version of Chagoi.  Famous for their body size and tameness, Kigoi has been well sought after by many koi lovers around the world.  Brunei is no exception, and we have been asked on numerous occasions for such breed. 

While it is not tough to get one, as Singapore breeders constantly breed them, we wanted only those from Japan.  This time, we got it.  Not only that we got the big one!  We took a picture of the kigoi we sold to a regular customer and you will be shocked with the growth rate and the body structure!  It does not only grows about 4cm in 2 weeks, it has double in body mass too.

Above koi-bought at 20cm.

Koi bought after 2 weeks- 24cm!!!!

Date changed for Momotaro Judging

Due to the unforeseen circumstances, we have changed the judging of 1st Momotaro Grow out event to 23th of January.  This time for sure it will proceed as planned!!

New Arrival!

Kois from Japan have arrived and completed the quarantine rituals.  This shipment includes Kondo Tancho, Kondo Kohaku, Otuska's Aka Matsuba, Sakai's Kohaku and Sejiyurou outstanding Showa.  Price starts from $120 to $500 plus. 

Hosokai's assorted koi will be ready around 5th of January.  Hosokai's shipment will include Midorigoi, Kurmonyu, Sanke, Showa, Benigoi, Shusui and many more!! Pictures will be uploaded A.S.A.P.   Be ready to spend boys and girls!!

Judging of Our 1st Momotaro Grow out Event on 9th Jan 2010!!

To all Participant of our First Momotaro Grow, Judging of the event will be on 9th of Jan 2010. Prices will be given to top 3 contestants and small gift to all others! We have a sneak preview of some of the contestants' koi and we are thrilled with the growth rate and quality of the kois! Well Done Guys!!!